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Moushumi will be seen in three movies

Habibul Islam Habib's 'Night Passenger', AK Sohail's 'Holy Love' and 'Nolock'

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular actress Moushumi has three movies currently awaiting release. These are Habibul Islam Habib's 'Night Passenger', Sohail's 'Holy Love' and another 'Nolock'.

তিন সিনেমায় দেখা যাবে মৌসুমীকে 1

Moushumi is the most popular film actress in Dhaka. Three films starring him are currently awaiting release. These are Habibul Islam Habib's 'Night Passenger', AK Sohail's 'Holy Love' and 'Nolock'. The movie 'Ratri Yatri' was scheduled to release on Eid, but it has been delayed.

Director Habibul Islam Habib said, I don't want to argue with anyone about releasing the movie on Eid. I want everyone's cooperation in releasing my movie as a new director. If necessary, I will release after Eid.

On the other hand Moushumi said, I have done well in every movie. These movies will release anytime. However, the demand of visitors is high during Eid. Many people are interested in watching their favorite stars in cinemas. All types of romantic, action or story movies are played on Eid. I am waiting now. Let's see what happens in the end.

Already two movies 'Ratri Yatri' and 'Pavitra Valhosha' have got censor clearance. He recently completed the movie 'Nolak' in Kolkata. Omar Sani is opposite her in this movie.

তিন সিনেমায় দেখা যাবে মৌসুমীকে 2

However, even if the movie is not released, the audience will see Moushumi in a telefilm this Eid. Moushumi acted in the telefilm 'Kande Mon Khoke Bholasha' written and directed by Shravan Chakraborty Dipur. It has been reported that this telefilm will be aired on any private TV channel in the upcoming Eid.

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