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Manpura of Bhola is a beautiful land of beauty

Brihom Rupali Dwip of Bangladesh and enchanting sightseeing place of unsurpassed beauty

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Wednesday, August 15, 2018 AD, 31 Shravan 1425 BENGABD, 3 ZilHajj 1439 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

অপরূপ সৌন্দর্যের লীলাভূমি ভোলার মনপুরা 1

The scene is of riverine Bangladesh. This scene of Barisal region which is known as the land of water is really a beautiful scene. The picture is by Bholar Manpura.

Manpura is the largest silver island of Bangladesh and a charming sight of great beauty. Manpura is a breathtaking place surrounded by the Meghna river. There are also vast rivers, dams on all sides, paddy fields, huge mangrove plantations. Manpura Upazila is as attractive to the people of the country as it is a place to visit. And so it is an attractive place for both locals and foreigners. Thanks to its photographer for the photo.

Photo: Courtesy of

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