The Dhaka Times
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The world's second 'worst city' is Dhaka!

Economist says, militancy, social discontent, crime trends are gradually making the quality of life in cities like Dhaka downward.

The Dhaka Times Desk The name of the capital Dhaka is again in the second position in the list of the world's "worst city"! For the second time, Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, occupied the second place in the measure of unfitness for living.

বিশ্বের দ্বিতীয় ‘নিকৃষ্ট শহর’ হলো ঢাকা! 1

The name of the capital Dhaka is again in the second position in the list of the world's "worst city"! For the second time, Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, occupied the second place in the measure of unfitness for living. Dhaka, Bangladesh is in the 139th position in this statistic with 140 countries in the world! This sensational information came out in a list published by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The list is based on political and social unrest, crime trends, education rates and access to healthcare across the world.

Economist says, militancy, social discontent, crime trends are gradually lowering the quality of life in cities like Dhaka. Austria's Vienna tops the list of most livable cities. For the first time, a European city took the first place. However, Melbourne has dropped one step from the last list.

After Vienna and Melbourne, the other top cities are Osaka, Japan, Calgary, Canada, Sydney, Australia, Vancouver, Canada, Tokyo, Japan, Toronto, Canada, Copenhagen, Denmark and Adelaide, Australia. Last on the list as the most unlivable city (140th out of 140 cities) is the war-torn Syrian capital Damascus. Only before this Damascus is the position of Dhaka. Dhaka ranks second in the list of most unlivable cities due to lack of public safety and poor quality of healthcare! And the third place is the city of Lagos in Nigeria. It is followed by Karachi (fourth) in Pakistan and Port Moresby (fifth) in Papua New Guinea.

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