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Recipe: Homemade Delicious 'Beef Masala Chapa'

As attractive as it is to eat, it is also delicious

The Dhaka Times Desk Chop is one of the delicious foods. Young and old everyone likes to eat different types of chops. Let's keep this charm of chop and introduce another new delicious chop.

রেসিপি: বাসায় তৈরি করুন সুস্বাদু 'বীফ মাসালা চাপ' 1

Today we are going to discuss about the pressure making formula which can be made effortlessly at your home. Then learn how to make beef masala chapa.

Ingredients for making beef masala pressure:

1. 750g boneless beef (cut into 3-4” long pieces, half an inch thick)
2. Onion batter 4-5 tsp
3. Garlic paste 2 tsp
4. Ginger paste 2 tsp
5. Cumin paste 2 tsp
6. Chilli powder 2 tsp
7. Black pepper powder 1 tsp
8. Garam masala powder 2 tsp
9. Turmeric powder 1 tsp
10. 2 spoons of vinegar
11. Salt in moderation
12. Oil quantity

Preparation method:

First, the pieces of meat should be thinly pounded with the help of a mortar and pestle. Then mix all the spices together and rub half the spices well with the beef pieces and marinate for at least 1 hour. Then put half a cup of oil in a pan and fry the beef in that oil until it becomes light red.

Once fried, remove the beef and grind the remaining half of the spices in the oil with 1 cup of water. When it is minced, put the beef in the spices. Stir the beef well. Keep the spices dry. Delicious beef masala chapa is ready. Now serve with the whole family.

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