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Poll Says: 'Donald Trump Will Lose Next Election'

In a contest between Trump and Biden, Trump's chance of winning would be only 31 percent. Biden's chances will be 43 percent

The Dhaka Times Desk According to a survey, "US President Donald Trump will lose the next election in 2020". This information came out in a joint public opinion poll of the US newspaper Politico and the media company Morning Consult.

জরিপ বলেছে: ‘আগামী নির্বাচনে হেরে যাবেন ডোনাল্ড ট্রাম্প’ 1

If the Democratic Party nominates Joe Biden to face Donald Trump in the next election, the chances of Trump's victory will decrease. In that case, Biden will be the next president. This information came out in the public opinion survey.

The poll also said that in a contest between Trump and Biden, Trump would have a 31 percent chance of winning. Biden's chances will be 43 percent.

On the other hand, if there is a competition between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, it is mentioned that the chances of Trump's opponent will increase. Sanders, on the other hand, has a 44 percent chance of becoming president.

This Joe Biden served as Vice President of former President Barack Obama. Bernie Sanders is the country's independent senator. He has been serving as a senator of the country for many years.

According to Perstoday sources, this public opinion poll was conducted from August 16 to 18 before Donald Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen's confession of various crimes. Many believe that Donald Trump's chances of winning have diminished after Cohen pleaded guilty.

Note that the next US presidential election is scheduled to be held on November 3, 2020.

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