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Mahfuzur Rahman will sing on ATN Bangla on the third day of Eid

In 2016, Mahfuzur Rahman performed his first solo song titled 'Hridoy Chuye Jaye'

The Dhaka Times Desk Mahfuzur Rahman will sing in ATN Bangla on the third day of Eid like every time. On the third day of Eid at 10:30 PM, Mahfuzur Rahman's solo concert 'Bolo Na Tumi Kar' will be aired on ATN Bengali.

ঈদের তৃতীয় দিন এটিএন বাংলায় গান গাইবেন মাহফুজুর রহমান 1

It is known that Mahfuzur Rahman is supposed to sing 10 songs in the program. The songs are written by Rajesh Ghosh, Kaushik Hossain Tapas and Nazma Mohammad. Composed by Mannan Mohammad, Rajesh Ghosh and Kaushik Hossain Tapas. Like every time, the video of the songs has been shot in various beautiful locations of the country and abroad.

It is to be noted that in 2016, Mahfuzur Rahman performed his first solo song titled 'Hridoy Chuye Jaye'. In 2017 Eid-ul-Fitr, his song program 'Priyare' was aired. In the same year, his solo concert 'Smriti Alpana Ungi' became widely discussed.

Notable songs sung by Mahfuzur Rahman include, 'Smriti Alpana Anki', 'Kat Sundar Tumi', 'Eka Thaka Tanja', 'Ekta Minda Dao'.

Apart from singing these songs, Mahfuzur Rahman also published a novel titled 'Smriti Alpana Anki' in February this year. Moreover, he also wrote the story of the films 'Valobasi Tobe', 'Aro Savadhan', 'Bidroh Charidi'.

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