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Faria has completed the preparations for the new film

Nusrat Faria will start work on her new film 'Shahenshah' on September 1 after returning from Kolkata.

The Dhaka Times Desk Nusrat Faria. One of the busiest actresses in Bengal today. Kolkata and Bangladesh continue to act equally in Bengali cinema. However, after several engagements, he has fully prepared himself for the new film.

নতুন ছবির জন্য প্রস্তুতি শেষ করেছেন ফারিয়া 1

The day after Eid left for Kolkata, as he took part in a solo performance titled 'Kolkata Police Show' at India's Netaji Indoor Stadium. On the same day, Nusrat Faria told the media over the phone from India, I performed my song titled 'Pataka' on this occasion. At the end of the event, I received great appreciation from everyone. I also enjoyed performing here. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee was present on the occasion.

Nusrat Faria will start work on her new film 'Shahenshah' on September 1 after returning from Kolkata, she said. About this new film, he said, I am fully prepared for this film. I hope to sit with the director about the film's costumes and other issues after returning home. 'Shahenshah' will be directed by Shamim Ahmed Roni. The audience will see me in a new way in this film 'Shahenshah'.

Recently, Nusrat Faria was signed for the first time as a heroine opposite Shakib in the film 'Shahenshah' under the banner of Shapla Media. This is the first time Nusrat Faria will act opposite this most popular hero of the country.

নতুন ছবির জন্য প্রস্তুতি শেষ করেছেন ফারিয়া 2

So Faria is also very excited to be the heroine opposite Shakib for the first time. Several films starring Nusrat Faria were released in theaters in Dhaka and West Bengal. His films include 'Aashiqui', 'Hero 420', Dhetteriki', 'Premi O Premi', 'Boss Two', 'Baadsha' and 'Inspector Natty.K'. In those films popular actors from Kolkata, Jeet, Ankush, Om and Arifin Shubo of Bangladesh acted opposite him. Most of Faria's films have been critically acclaimed.

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