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What is Google Assistant? Learn about its functions and benefits

You can ask Google Assistant to solve any problem by typing or voice commands

The Dhaka Times Desk People are becoming dependent on technology day by day. Technology is also appearing with various benefits to make people's lives easier and faster. Google Assistant apps can be installed on your phone to make technology easier to use and become your favorite assistant.

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Whenever you want to know about the subject, Google Assistant will give you the solution immediately. You can ask Google Assistant to solve any problem by speaking or typing. And the app will immediately appear on the screen with the solution to your problem. Suppose you ask Google Assistant to know where you are, it will quickly show your current location on the screen with a map.

It allows you to search the Internet, schedule events and alarms, adjust hardware settings on the user's device, and display information from the user's Google account. Ask Google Assistant to find out information about an unknown place, thing or any object you want, and he will immediately show the answer to your question on the screen.

You can even think of it as your favorite companion ie as your English speaking partner. With these apps you can speak fluently and learn about unknown topics. Whatever video or anything you need for your solution will bring you the solution. Google Assistant may not work on many smartphones. In that case, they can use another version of Google Assistant named Allo (Allo). In this case, if you search Google Assistant in the Play Store, the app called Allo will come up.

After installing the apps set your name and picture. Then tap on the voice icon in the chat box to ask a question or type in the text box next to it. Once you have asked the question, Google Assistant will analyze it online and display the correct information in front of you. Articles or videos from different sites will be displayed in front of you if needed. In this case, you can watch those articles or videos if you want.

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