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Balanced food and right timing is more important for the body

There is a big difference between ordinary machines and human machines

Food clock with vegetables and fruits as background. Healthy food concept

The Dhaka Times Desk The body is a mysterious machine. Just like fuel is needed to run a machine, our body also needs adequate fuel. But there is a big difference between ordinary machines and human machines. No harm is caused by the introduction of fuel at any time into normal machines, but there is a risk of serious damage at any time when fuel is introduced into human machines.

সুষম খাবার এবং সঠিক সময় শরীরের জন্য কোনটা বেশি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ 1

Today we will discuss which is more important for human machine or body balanced food or right timing.

Eating a balanced diet regularly is important for our body to perform its daily functions. Because there is no substitute for a balanced diet for proper body structure and building new cells. But if you take that food at any time of the day, will the body be fine? never Because the body performs its functions by maintaining time. Normally our body spends a certain time of the day absorbing nutrients and another time working to repair various cell losses and build new cells.

So whenever you skip a meal and eat at another time, your body begins to absorb nutrients instead of taking part in replenishing losses and building new cells. Because the body prioritizes intake of nutrients. As a result, the normal functioning of the body is hindered.

Dr. Sachin Panda, a professor at the Salk Institute in Dallas, Texas, conducted a similar study on two groups of mice. The first group was fed a high-fat, high-sugar diet and allowed to eat at any time of the day. The other group was given the same type and amount of caloric food but given 8 hours to eat.

After 18 weeks, the mice in the first group gained weight and developed diabetes. In addition, cholesterol levels in their bodies increased and intestinal diseases appeared. On the other hand, rats that ate the same food during the confinement did not develop any disease. That is because their regular intake of food maintains the normal functioning of the body. As a result they are disease free and healthy.

Eating at the right time is more important than a balanced diet to keep the body healthy. So make lifestyle changes to keep yourself healthy from today. Take food at a fixed time every day and keep yourself healthy.

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