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Subjects to be taught to children before admission to school

There are a number of things you can familiarize your child with before enrolling in school

The Dhaka Times Desk. When a child goes to school for the first time, he cannot easily adapt himself to the new environment. It takes a lot of time. Because it takes some time to adapt to a new environment, new rules and unfamiliar boys and girls. And parents have the biggest role to solve this problem quickly. You can familiarize your child with several things before admission to school which will solve many problems in his school life. Today we will discuss some such topics.

1. Insecurity:

One of the most common problems children experience when moving to a new school is insecurity. Because children feel most secure with their parents. This time should not be a problem, so beforehand you take your child to different places where many children can play or have fun together. If you want, you can take it to school for a few days before admission. This will remove his fear. As a result, he will not suffer from insecurity after joining the school. Again you can go with the school for a few days. And stay somewhere where your child can easily find you.

2. Developing the habit of staying away from parents:

Since you cannot go to school with your child every day, your child needs to develop the habit of being alone from the parents. In this case, you leave your child at a relative's house for some time during the day. If kept like this for a few days, he will develop the habit of staying away from his parents.

3. Toilet usage habits:

One of the biggest problems in children's early school life is toileting. Many children face various problems because they are not used to using the toilet alone. So teach him to use the toilet alone before entering school. At the same time, you can create a mentality to tell the class teacher or maintenance staff without feeling ashamed if you have a urinary or toilet velocity.

4. Eating your own food:

There is a fixed time for eating tiffin in schools. So at that time try to develop the habit that your child can eat his own food. Many children cannot eat alone. So get him used to it before he joins the school.

5. The habit of keeping things organized:

Because in school, you have to pack your own books, notebooks, pens, pencils, bags, etc. So get him into the habit of packing his belongings before entering school.

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