The Dhaka Times
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The corpse woke up to be taken to the crematorium! What happened then?

A sensational incident happened at Triveni Ghat in Hooghly, India

The Dhaka Times Desk Which can be called a strange case. The body woke up after going to the crematorium. Not just waking up corpses! The 'corpse' named Renukadevi sat on the bed!

শ্মশানে নিতেই জেগে উঠলো মৃতদেহ! তারপর কী ঘটলো? 1

When such an incident happens in public, Hulusthul falls in the cremation ground. When the body sat up, many ran away in fear, and the relatives of the 'dead body' thought that a miracle had happened! He started shouting - Renuka has survived. They immediately started calling an ambulance.

A sensational incident happened at Triveni Ghat in Hooghly, India. But this engagement did not last long. After a while, Renuka Devi fell down again. He did not respond. Finally his mortal body perished in the furnace fire. Nothing was left but the regret of the family.

Renuka Pal is a resident of Baikunthapur, Triveni, Hooghly, India. He died last Saturday morning in a private hospital in Kolkata. After releasing the body from the hospital, his body was brought to the cremation ground in Triveni. While the body was lying in the Triveni crematorium, Renuka 'came to life'. Relatives were overjoyed thinking that a miracle had happened. But sadly that happiness didn't last long. Immediately the atmosphere of mourning returned.

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