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Microsoft is bringing smart glasses capable of measuring blood pressure

In addition to removing eye problems, Microsoft has created smart glasses capable of measuring blood pressure

The Dhaka Times Desk In addition to removing eye problems, Microsoft has created smart glasses capable of measuring blood pressure.
This modern glass is named glabella. These glasses will on one hand cure your eye problems and on the other hand will tell you how your blood pressure is.

ব্লাডপ্রেশার মাপতে সক্ষম স্মার্ট গ্লাস নিয়ে আসছে মাইক্রোসফট 1

Some optical sensors are installed in the frame of these smart glasses which will take the blood pressure from your body especially from the two sides of the head. Besides, the sensors will collect the required data and calculate the data to give you an accurate blood pressure data. You can even collect blood pressure at different times of the day if you want.

These glasses are very beneficial for those people who are always facing the problem of high or low blood pressure. You can use these glasses to avoid the trouble of repeatedly going to the doctor or measuring blood pressure at home with the help of a machine. You can even know your blood pressure while walking on the street.

The glass also looks like normal glass. It is built keeping the Inertial Measurement Unit intact. Microsoft is currently testing the functionality of the smart glass. If all goes well, marketing will officially begin.

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