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Twitter has brought the facility of live audio broadcasting

Twitter users can broadcast audio only directly to their friends if they wish

The Dhaka Times Desk Microblogging site Twitter has now added a new feature of live audio-only broadcasting to meet the needs of users. From now on, Twitter users can only broadcast audio live without going live on video.

সরাসরি অডিও সম্প্রচারের সুবিধা নিয়ে এসেছে টুইটার 1

On Friday, September 7, 2018, Twitter announced in a statement that the feature is currently rolling out to all iOS users on their main Twitter app and Twitter's live broadcast app Periscope. However, to use this new feature, users will have to update their apps and go to the 'Go Live' option.

Many times Facebook or Twitter users want to share voice directly with their friends. But only because there is no voice share option, many are forced to come directly to the video live. Twitter has added this new feature to solve this problem. This allows you to broadcast voice only directly without coming to video live.

Besides, the Twitter microblogging site is working on their design change. They said they will soon add other features to the desktop site, including an 'Explore' tab and bookmarks options. Currently Twitter has more than 33 crore users while Facebook has more than 219 crore users. Although Facebook's closest competitor is Twitter, they continue to add new features to cement their position and attract others to Twitter.

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