The Dhaka Times Desk According to a leaked report, priests of the German Catholic Church abused more than 3,600,000 children in the country.
According to a BBC news, these torture incidents have occurred for about 70 years from 1946 to 2014.
According to media reports, 3 universities in Germany jointly conducted the research on the church. Its authors say that actual abuse may be much more widespread. Because a lot of information has been destroyed or corrupted. The church's own investigation revealed these shocking facts. The report is expected to be published in full on September 25.
According to that report, it can be seen that 1,670 priests of the country sexually abused 3,677 minors. German newspaper Spiegel Online has published a report on the matter. A church spokesman said it was "deeply disturbing and disrespectful".
In the Roman Catholic Church of the world, the information about the sexual abuse that has been revealed for decades, all these information in Germany came out.
According to the report, only 38 percent of the alleged abusers received minor disciplinary action. But at least one out of every six complaints is rape.
The victims of these abuses are mostly boys, with an average age of less than 13 years. Many times these perpetrators have gone to work in new areas, where some have not even been warned about their previous crimes.
Meanwhile, in a conference of German bishops, the spokesman of the church, Bishop Stefan Eckermann, said that the way the information about sexual abuse came out in this study is very worrying and shameful.
The Vatican has yet to comment on Spiegel's report. However, during another event yesterday (Wednesday), Pope Francis called a conference of bishops in February to discuss how to ensure the protection of children.