Categories: recipe

Recipe: Make delicious Shahi Kulfi at home

The Dhaka Times Desk Kulfi is a popular name. Those who have tasted Kulfi once will never forget it. But until now you have bought kulfi from the store and now make this delicious kulfi at home. Different in the fun of cooking with your own hands. Today we will learn how to make delicious Shahi Kulfi at home.

What you need to make Shahi Kulfi:

1. Powdered milk 2 cups,
2. Half a tin of condensed milk,
3. 2 egg yolks,
4. Sugar 2 tablespoons,
5. Cornflour 1 tablespoon,
6. 1 pinch of saffron (soaked in 1 tablespoon of rose water),
7. pistachio flavored,
8. nutty flavor,
9. Cashew nuts to taste and
10. Water 3 cups.

After collecting the ingredients, now let's know the method of making Kulfi:

First you need to blend milk, water, sugar, condensed milk, cornflour and egg yolk in a blender. Then pour the blended mixture into a pan and heat it for a while. When the mixture thickens, take it off the stove and let it cool well. When it cools down, mix it well with saffron balls and ground almonds. Now pour the cold mixture into the kulfi mold and keep it in the deep freezer for 6-7 hours with a stick in between. Delicious Shahi Kulfi is ready. Now enjoy the taste of Shahi Kulfi as you wish.

This post was last modified on May 31, 2023 12:59 pm

Raihan Malitha

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