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A wonderful mystery of ancient history - the Maya civilization

They also built buildings up to twenty-five floors. Not only that, they also had incredible knowledge of astronomy and language

The Dhaka Times Desk Four thousand years ago. Living the life of a civilized person or thinking about a civilized society was at least during that period! But history says otherwise. In the age when people did not learn to build houses, in the age when the matter of wise people is completely unimaginable, there were also races in that age who were quite prosperous in their culture and civilization; Lived in glory! They also built buildings up to twenty-five floors. Not only that, they had incredible knowledge of astronomy and language! It is surprising! The Mayans were the nation that made such history. Which is completely unknown to other nations for years.

A strange manuscript was suddenly discovered, which has no letters, no letters. Can't understand the language. But when something is said, it is understood that something is said. Draw small pictures side by side. Attention of anthropologists. As a result, many things were gradually discovered. Satkahan of the Mayan civilization came to light.

প্রাচীন ইতিহাসের এক বিস্ময়কর রহস্য-মায়া সভ্যতা 1
A strange manuscript was discovered suddenly, whose language is not understood!

This Maya nation lived in Mesoamerica. which includes present-day Central America. They were known as a very strong and skilled race. Going through the history of other nations of the past, it has been found that many of the people of other nations were generally used to being scattered. Many lived a nomadic life. But the Maya were not like that. They had their own house, their own territory. They knew how to build houses. They knew how to live off the land.
Although it is believed, in the beginning they were quite nomadic. Wandered from one end of the country to the other in search of food and shelter. But later they slowly started coming together. Build permanent housing. Considering the geographical location, they lived in parts of El Salvador including Guatemala, Honduras. As they loved being together. Others were able to fend off attacks just as easily. They chose animal husbandry as their profession. Not much is known about their diet.

Discovered in the jungles of Central America, the wonderful structure of Maya Savat!

প্রাচীন ইতিহাসের এক বিস্ময়কর রহস্য-মায়া সভ্যতা 2
Evidence of Mayan civilization discovered in Mexico!

As far as is known from the Mayan manuscripts that have been discovered, it is clear that they had no alphabet as a written form of the language. But what was their language? no Not so. They certainly had language, through which they communicated. However, instead of letters, they use some symbolic images or symbols. They used to express their feelings by drawing these symbolic pictures side by side.
Since the pen was not invented yet. So they used to write with a pen. And they made this special pen used for writing with animal hair or tail. They made books from tree bark. These books are called codexes. According to the research, if we count the number of these pictures used in their language, eight hundred or more are found. And a total of four codexes and books have been recovered.

Now let's talk about their religious beliefs. The most talked about thing about the Mayans is their religion. Because there are many opinions about their religion. In fact they have practiced different religions at different times. Therefore, nothing specific can be said about their religion. Religion was quite mysterious and secret to them. They observed many matters of religion with great secrecy.

It is believed that the Maya believed in God. They also believed that God is the only savior of all souls. He is the one who can give life, and this God also gives strength to it. This power is available only through God. He is the only one who can bring together worldly existence and non-existence. Another special aspect of their belief was that God mingles with the moon, sun and even rain. He also hears when people pray.
And what they used to do in the hope of gaining a special place with this God was bloodshed. In this case, they used to do some pretty terrible things. They used to sacrifice blood for God through various ceremonies. This is how they believe that they can get the vision of God. They did all this very secretly. Even kings used to indulge in these activities, seeking the darshan of God. They used to sacrifice blood themselves.

There are other opinions about their religion. Some say that most of the Mayans worshiped nature. He prayed to various objects of nature as their worshippers. Regarding the birth of the human race, they believed that all the people of the world appeared from small grains.

On the other hand, it is said that the Mayans were also good at human sacrifice. And this was also part of their religious beliefs. Notable among the various deities of the Maya race were Chiak, Ahpuch, Kinis Ahau, B, L. Some of them were the gods of death, some of the sun, some of hell, they had different gods under different names. But the two chief immortal gods among them were Itzamana and Kukulkan. They also had a city called Chichen Itza. Which was originally known as the city of Narbali. At various times they offered sacrifices to these two gods and the city was situated between two natural wells. The civilization culture of the Maya race was also developed around these two wells. Monasteries, pyramids and other religious pillars were also built. Prominent among these are the Temple of the Warriors, Karakol.

Now let's introduce their gods. The main deity is Itzamana. According to them he was a reservoir of great power. He is the celestial deity. Mayan religious leaders or priests worshiped in the name of this god. And this was the way to please this god. Special time they choose for charity. According to the time, the pyramids were visited. And in this case they also followed their own calendar. Aztec customs were followed during the sacrifice. In this custom, the sacrificed person's chest was cut open, the heart was taken out and then sacrificed before the deity. And they used to keep the other parts of that dead person like hands and feet to themselves. What is more surprising and terrifying is that the victims of these sacrifices were all members of their own race. Accidentally or somehow, if any people of other society or nation came into their kingdom, they would have to be the victims of this terrible humanity.

On the other hand, another god of theirs, Kukulkan, is similar to a Hindu goddess. According to many, Goddess Mansa is similar to Kukulkan. Kukulkan was also the snake god of the Mayans. And his father was called the king of snakes. According to them, Kukulkan is a winged reptile. The Maya revered this god; used to worship The worship of this Kukulkan was the state religion of the Mayans.
Between the 9th and 10th centuries. The Maya built a pyramid of one hundred feet. Which was made only for the purpose of worshiping this Kukulkan. The stairs of this pyramid had a total of ninety-one steps. On the other hand, there is another step of stairs to go up again. It is believed that, in total, there were three hundred and sixty five steps in the stairs of this pyramid.

Pyramids made for the worship of Kukulcan!

This pyramid, built for the worship of Kukulkan, had some other peculiarities. The people of the Mayan kingdom gathered around the pyramids at different times, on different occasions. The pyramid was built in such a way that when the sun's rays fall on the pyramid while it circumnavigates the equator, it casts a shadow. Seeing that shadow, it seemed as if a huge reptile was coming down the pyramid. How strange! right? They were such scientific experts in that era too.

Can think! Even in today's age where there are many uneducated ethnic groups. But before those four thousand years they lived such advanced scientific life. This is a surprising thing for history.

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