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Trump is extremely angry with the Attorney General

Donald Trump says Sessions' performance as attorney general was 'very poor' in interview

The Dhaka Times Desk US President Donald Trump expressed extreme anger against his Attorney General Jeff Sessions. In an exclusive interview given to a TV channel recently, he criticized Sessions.

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At this time, US President Donald Trump said, 'It's very sad - I don't have an attorney general.'

It was Donald Trump's harshest criticism of the attorney general since Sessions recused himself from the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

In that interview, Donald Trump commented that Sessions' performance was "very poor" even during his appointment as Attorney General. Donald Trump also said that he was "very disappointed" by Sessions' withdrawal from the Russia investigation.

However, Sessions has not said anything in response to Trump's comments so far. But critics charged that it was highly unusual for a sitting president to attack his attorney general. Through this, Trump is considered to be trying to interfere in the legal process.

He was asked if he was thinking of firing the Attorney General, Donald Trump said, 'We will see what can be done. Many are asking me to do so. I want to let things go my way, but what he did was really inappropriate.'

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