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The smell of snake sweat comes to people!

A snake named 'Kalach' can come up to the bed by the smell of human sweat

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many types of snakes. And the types of those snakes are also one of a kind. But this time a snake has been found that comes to people with the smell of snake sweat!

যে সাপ ঘামের গন্ধে মানুষের কাছে আসে! 1

After a long day of work, we return home with a tired body, just at this time the smell of sweat comes out of the body. An accident can happen after going to bed with this smell. The reason is that a snake named 'Kalach' can come up to the bed with this human smell. Of course, this snake is unknown to many. Many people may not know that Kalach snake becomes intoxicated by the smell of sweat released from the skin of the tired body. So unknowingly it may appear in the bed to take that smell.

Among the elite class of venomous snakes, the name of this snake is not very common. But their poison is more intense than coyote or other venomous snakes. This snake is very well known in West Bengal, India. Some of their characteristics are quite unmatched by other venomous snakes.

First: This snake is hoodless. Second: The bite of this snake does not even cause pain. The bite site does not swell. Because of which the one who is bitten does not even understand. But later slowly the symptoms of nerve poisoning appear. Then starts stomachache, sore throat or discomfort all over the body. It seems like a fever is coming on the body. If the treatment is not started in time after this snake bite, death is certain. This Kalach snake is very calm nature. The bite of which instantly makes death inevitable.

Although the snake is calm in nature, its venom is very strong. No one realizes that he has been bitten by a snake at first because it does not hurt when bitten. Even the cut will not swell. There will be no feeling. In this situation, the matter of snake bite remains unknown to many people in the first stage.

But slowly when the poison spreads in the body of the human body, symptoms such as throat and stomach pain and even discomfort are seen. Death occurs in the later stages if timely treatment is not provided. Kalach is called Indium Crate by some, Black Crate by some and even Ghamchiti. The smell of human sweat is very dear to them.

Due to the smell of sweat, this snake leaves the field and hides in people's bedrooms and even in beds. If you touch your body while you are sleeping, you will be bitten. No matter what happens when something bites you, don't be unnecessarily scared. It is important to go to the hospital immediately without a moment's delay.

Know about special symptoms of Kalach snake bite:

# will have pain in the throat or stomach. This will usually be in the morning or early morning. Remember, Kalach is a nocturnal snake. So the reaction to its bite is more common in the early morning.

# will feel a kind of discomfort in the body. Fever will feel feverish. Even fever will come.

If # time increases, the patient's eyelids will droop. He can't look up at anything.

# You have to remember, Kalach bites do not swell, nor do they hurt. So you have to keep an eye on this matter. If treated at the right time, it will be possible to recover quickly, otherwise death is certain.

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