The Dhaka Times
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Amrita's New Film 'Oh My Love'

Amrita shot the film very quietly

The Dhaka Times Desk Actress Amrita. He stayed away from films for a long time. Although he was seen in various events, he was not seen in any new film at all.

অমৃতার নতুন ছবি ‘ওহ মাই লাভ’ 1

However, Amrita has started working on a new film. His new film is titled 'Oh My Love'. Amrita shot the film very quietly. The film is directed by Abul Kalam Azad.

According to media reports, this actress is going to act in a new film. His other film is called 'Samsamayak'. The film will be directed by Royal Khan. Amrita signed the contract for this film last week. Although the heroine is finalised, the hero of the film is yet to be finalised.

After a long absence, Amrita said about coming to the film, 'Alhamdulillah! I was a little away from work due to the pressure of studies. In the meantime, I am trying to reduce my weight. The reason is that I was very confused. Now I will work regularly. This film will be made with an unconventional story. My character is a very innocent girl who grew up in an orphanage. But the local people look at the girl very badly. Everyone despises him.' It has been informed that the shooting of this new film will start in November.
অমৃতার নতুন ছবি ‘ওহ মাই লাভ’ 2

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