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How to control if the car brakes fail

Many cars are suffering from accidents due to problems related to brake failure

The Dhaka Times Desk Accidents never happen. However, if the brakes fail, the driver gets some time to control the vehicle. There have been many accidents that have been caused by brake failure. Usually when a driver realizes that his car has brake failure, he is very worried.

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Because of which he doesn't know what to do. And because of this mental weakness, he lost control of the car and got into an accident. Today we will know how to control the car if the brake fails and avoid the accident.

1. When you realize your car's brakes have failed, don't panic or panic. Keep a cool head. Because you cannot avoid accidents if you are afraid or mentally weak of the tasks you have to do at that time. So keep cool.

2. Turn on the car's emergency lights and honk the horn frequently. Then others will understand your car problem and give you side.

3. Take your foot off the car's accelerator. As a result, the speed of the car will decrease.

4. Put the gear in neutral. But if it is a manual gear, don't put the gear in neutral at once. Then the gear may get stuck and break. So one gear at a time reduce to neutral.

5. Keep pressing the brake repeatedly.

6. If the road is empty, try to drive slightly sideways. This will reduce the speed of the car slightly. Because the car's speed decreases if it is driven slightly obliquely instead of straight.

7. When you see that the speed of the car has decreased a lot, then slowly lift the hand brake and try to stop the car. But never release the hand brake completely at once. Lifting it like this can cause the car to overturn.

But always keep a cool head otherwise danger can happen anytime. Also, don't forget to wear a seat belt while driving. Seat belt will protect you from any major accident. Look in the looking glass at least 5 to 6 times per minute while driving. Hopefully these methods will save you from accidents.

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