The Dhaka Times
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There is no mobile phone in the village, there is no car!

The population of this eco-village is around 150

The Dhaka Times Desk It is really surprising to hear that even in this case, he does not have a mobile phone and does not have a car. There is a village in Germany called 'Sieben Linden' where there are no mobile phones and no cars!

যে গ্রামে নেই মোবাইল ফোন, নেই কোনো গাড়ি! 1

About three hours away from Berlin there is a village called 'Sieben Linden'. A journalist from Deutsche Welle, Kiyo Dorer, also visited the village. There people are trying to live in nature in the most environmentally friendly way possible. But such an ideal surely has a limit.

Cars have to be parked in certain places, because the entry of cars is completely prohibited in the entire village. That there are any cars at all is the only reason for surprise. Describing his experience, Kiyo Dora said, "Trying to communicate with a villager through a mobile phone. But that is never possible. Most of the villagers do not have mobile phones. I have to stop it too.”

It is known that the population of this eco-village is about 150. The village was demolished 20 years ago. Michael Wuerffel came here from the city of Hanover about 11 years ago. He said, "The city's transport system and advertising were the biggest annoyances for me. I felt very helpless. From within Germany, we have tried to show that it is possible to live sustainably and enjoy life in compliance with all laws. "We are living very well, using much less fuel than elsewhere."

The walls of each house are covered with straw bales, which saves energy. Most of the electricity demand is generated in villages. Even that electricity is used to heat water. This eco-village not only saves electricity, but the villagers also try to produce the necessary food themselves. Farming is done in this village with organic seeds, without pesticides. Farming and garden work is also mainly done by hand.

No sign of animal husbandry was seen A few domesticated alpacas were seen. There is no meat in the daily diet. Because it will be very harmful for the environment. Moreover, the villages are dominated by wet or pure vegetarians. About 70 percent of vegetables are grown in gardens. Efforts are underway to increase that ratio. Kiyo Dörer thinks he hasn't eaten this healthy in a long time.

Andreas Schubert has nothing negative to say about the city's supermarkets. He said, "There is no point in keeping so many products. When I go out shopping, I see a huge variety and a huge amount of products. When I stand in front of it, I don't know which one to buy or what the product will be like.

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