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Bodies floating in Indonesia's seas: A cry for life amid the rubble

Locals said many dead bodies are scattered on the beach. Dead bodies were also seen floating on the surface of the sea

The Dhaka Times Desk On Friday, a 7.5-magnitude earthquake hit the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, causing a devastating tsunami wave. High waves batter the coastal areas. Dead bodies are floating in the sea. The cry of life is floating in the rubble.

ইন্দোনেশিয়ার সমুদ্রে ভাসছে মরদেহ: ধ্বংসস্তূপের মধ্যে জীবনের আর্তনাদ 1

About 1,000 people have died in this incident so far. But it does not end here. There are still human corpses floating in the sea, the sound of human cries can be found in the ruins.

Indonesia's disaster management authority said many bodies have not yet been recovered. Locals said many dead bodies are scattered on the beach. Dead bodies were also seen floating on the surface of the sea.

According to the international organization Red Cross, rows of bodies are covered on both sides of the road. The sound of people crying is coming from the rubble near the dead body. The rescuers have to gain momentum to respond to this cry of life. In addition to power outages and impassable roads, there is also a shortage of heavy machinery.

The Red Cross said little was known about the extent of the damage. Even affected areas were seen, where it was still not possible to reach. This is how the lives of people affected by the tsunami in Indonesia are going on. Like a real destruction in human civilization.

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