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Google Maps will find the lost smartphone!

Is it possible to get the lost phone back? Google Maps can be helpful to recover the lost phone

The Dhaka Times Desk The issue of losing phones is not new. It is often heard that the phone is lost or stolen. Google is showing the way to solve this problem. Now Google Maps will find the lost smartphone!

গুগল ম্যাপ হারানো স্মার্টফোন খুঁজে দেবে! 1

Almost we hear the news of someone losing their phone. There is also no permanent solution for losing this phone. And it is very normal to feel upset when your beloved smartphone is lost. Is it possible to get the lost phone back? Google Maps can be helpful to recover the lost phone.

Now the 'Find Your Phone' option has been launched in Android. If Google Map service is enabled on the lost phone, this option can be used to track the location of the phone. When the option is on, if the phone is lost, it will be possible to get help to find the device through another phone.

How to do this?

All that is needed to do this is a smartphone or a computer. Also internet connection. You will need the ID and password of the email that was logged in to the lost mobile phone.

Note that one of the conditions for the Google Map feature to work properly is that the device must be turned on and the location service must be turned on. Then you can trace the lost phone very easily.

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