The Dhaka Times Desk Bollywood 'Muscleman' fame Salman Khan Always aware of the internet world and has a lot of internet wandering. His number of fans and followers on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus is more than three crores. In 2002, Salman Khan's car hit the pavement One person was killed is Salman Khan opened a website to provide detailed information about the murder case.
The 2002 hit and run case against Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has become a hot topic in the media these days. However, according to Salman Khan and his family, wrong and false information is being published in the media about the case. Therefore, the actor opened a website to present the actual facts and progress of the case to the fans and public
It is known from Salman's statement regarding the opening of the website that several cases have been filed against him and the information related to these cases has been published in the media. These reports published in the media often contain false information and resort to fraud which can be said to be the reason behind the loss of the actor's personal and professional reputation. Everyone will know all the information related to the case filed against him on the website and the information of all the cases will be updated on the website through his lawyer.
He further added that he has respect for the law and judicial process, the website was not created to influence any part of the cases but it is very clear that the website is opened to inform the true information about the cases and the progress of the case and that the media or general fans should not get information about the case. It has also been looked at that can be verified.
Anyone who enters the website will see updated information about the case. On June 24, the Mumbai Sessions Court rejected Salman Khan's appeal in the murder case. Salman Khan's lawyers will challenge the dismissal of the case in the High Court. The charge sheet of the case filed against Salman Khan will be listed on July 13.
It is to be noted that on September 28, 2002, Salman Khan's car lost control and fell on the pavement in the suburb of Bandra and a man who was sleeping on the pavement was killed by his car. If the case of murder committed in that incident is resolved under the Indian Penal Code, he can be jailed for 10 years.
Reference: What do you choose?