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Parents concerned about the health of their children!

The Dhaka Times Desk  Parents are always worried about their children's weight and give various orders and advices regarding their children's weight and food intake. Worryingly, parents' direct comments on their children's weight, size, and dietary intake may lead to the disorder - University of Minnesota A study found this information.


The number one health risk in all countries of the world is overweight or underweight in children and adolescents. Because of this, parents are always concerned about their children's weight and because of this concern, often make different statements about their children's weight and physical growth. Some even hurt them by saying harsh words which is a very inappropriate act.

Researchers at the University of Minnesota say that if parents always talk about their children's body weight and shape, the risk of unhealthy dieting, binge eating, and eating disorders among young children increases to a large extent. Research also shows that parents who make their children aware of nutrition and healthy food intake, their children suffer from fewer disorders.

What parents should do:

• Parents must focus on planned behavior to maintain good health and proper body structure of children. Avoid teasing children about weight and size.
• Parents should emphasize the importance of food quality, nutritional intake during food conversations with their children.
• Parents can help children with obesity by suggesting weight loss. Parents can also give advice about food intake or dieting.
• Parents can also advise their children to focus on sports and physical activity.

It is common for teenagers to suffer from anxiety about their weight or size, so parents should encourage their children to eat healthy and nutritious food instead of worrying about their weight and size to ensure a healthy and beautiful life.

Reference: Health Line

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