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Learn easy tricks to find friends on Instagram

With this feature, friends can be found very easily, much like scanning a QR code

The Dhaka Times Desk You are frustrated when you are looking for a friend on Instagram, but you can't find them. Learn easy tricks to find friends on Instagram.

ইনস্টাগ্রামে বন্ধু খুঁজে পাওয়ার সহজ কৌশল জেনে নিন 1

You have to type the name and then search. Many names come together. Many may find this boring. So Instagram has recently added the new feature of 'Name tag' to find friends easily.

With this feature, friends can be found very easily, much like scanning a QR code. Today's report highlights how to use Instagram's name tag feature. First you need to launch the Instagram app installed on the phone. Then click on the profile icon at the bottom right side.

Then the profile page will appear. You need to click on the 3 line menu icon at the top of this page. Then a sidebar will appear. Then click on the option called 'Nametag' from there. Then a new page will open there. This will display the username tag.

If you want to find a friend through 'Nametag' then you have to click on 'scan a nametag' option below. Then hold the camera next to the name tag of the person you want to search and the user's Instagram profile will be displayed. But you have to take the 'Nametag' beforehand.

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