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Divorce may be for Google Maps!

He saw his wife sitting on a park bench and an unknown man lying with his head on her lap

The Dhaka Times Desk People are gradually increasing their dependence on Google Maps. Along with street-finding, Google Maps' Street View has also become an open road to virtual travel. This can lead to divorce.

বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ হতে পারে গুগল ম্যাপের জন্য! 1

According to a news report, that happened recently in Peru. What one man discovers after scouring Google Maps' Street View is enough to break up his marriage.

According to the news, the gentleman was looking for a bridge in Lima, the capital of Peru, on Google Maps' street view. Then an amazing scene appeared on his mobile phone.

He saw that his wife was married to another man! Looking at their closeness, it is not difficult to guess, exactly what stage the relationship is at. He saw his wife sitting on a park bench and an unknown man lying with his head on her lap. The man was so devastated by this scene that he filed a divorce case against his wife.

It is known that those pictures are from 2013. At that time the Google Street View camera took those pictures. After this strange incident, the couple was definitely divorced, this incident was reported by a Peruvian press.

It should be noted that Google Maps' street view camera sometimes captures a lot of strange scenes. It also includes physical elements.

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