The Dhaka Times
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Beware: webcam virus!

The Dhaka Times Desk Even webcams are not safe from cyber attacks. Hackers are unknowingly taking pictures of users on webcams. They are making a lot of money by selling these pictures later. Technology experts are also worried about such news.


Although not very many, several such incidents are happening in the meantime, according to the UK charity ChildNet International.

It is known that hackers attack with malicious malware virus Remote Access Trojan (RAT) to take control of the webcam. These viruses enter the computer without the knowledge of users while visiting various websites. Later, the RAT sends the images captured by the web camera to the hacker.

ChildNet International advises following some precautions when using webcams in this regard. Among them, they emphasized on disconnecting the webcam while doing other work on the laptop or computer, covering the webcam if necessary and not keeping the webcam in the bedroom of young girls.

Source: BBC

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