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Microsoft users at security risk

The Dhaka Times Desk Based on the most popular operating system in the world, hackers have been creating various viruses for a long time and are regularly attacking many systems. This time, several operating systems, including Microsoft's Windows Seven, Eight, Vista and RT, have seen a vulnerability that cannot be easily fixed.


This vulnerability of Microsoft has been detected based on a security hole named Scannel patch address which can create various problems in the user's system. Scannel patch address holes are primarily used in Windows HTTP Internet applications to secure security protocols such as encrypted communications. But this Scannell patch addresses this loophole as it was recently discovered. And by exploiting this vulnerability, attackers can send 'specially crafted' data packets to Windows servers.

By doing this, the hacker can smuggle various obscene messages or images into the user's system. Experts also say that it is possible to steal various information in this system. This puts users at extreme risk. Experts said if Microsoft does not fix this problem soon, many users may become victims of this attack.

Meanwhile, Microsoft said that they are working on this vulnerability. But it is not possible to stop it immediately. Microsoft has appointed a special team to fix the bugs related to this patch. In the meantime, Microsoft has also said that some guidelines will be given to stay away from this risk. Till then users are asked to stay updated.

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