The Dhaka Times
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A young man's family with poisonous snakes!

A man in Thailand thinks his dead girlfriend has turned into a pet cobra

The Dhaka Times Desk There is hardly a person who is not afraid of snakes. But there are people in this society who are married to poisonous snakes!

বিষাক্ত সাপের সঙ্গে সংসার এক যুবকের! 1

There is hardly a person who is not afraid of snakes. But there are people in this society who are married to poisonous snakes! This incident of marriage with a poisonous snake happened in Thailand.

A man in Thailand thinks his dead girlfriend has turned into a pet cobra. And so he started a family with him!

According to a late report, this snake has an unusual resemblance to his dead girlfriend. So the young man married that poisonous cobra. Now he spends most of his time with the 10 feet long snake.

Watch TV with the snake, go for walks by the lake, even play carrom board games and go to the gym with him. The young man said that his girlfriend died 5 years ago. But the man believed in Buddhism. According to his religion, after death, people are transformed into some kind of animal.

According to the Daily Mirror, the young man thinks that his dead girlfriend has become his pet cobra. And so he is living with that poisonous snake as his wife.

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