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What Saudi Prince Salman Khashoggi had to say about the disappearance

Trump: 'Saudi Arabia is being blamed before there is any evidence'

The Dhaka Times Desk When the whole world is worried about the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia says he knows nothing about it! US President Trump also expressed his support for the Saudi prince.

সৌদি প্রিন্স সালমান খাশোগি নিখোঁজের বিষয়ে যা বললেন 1

US President Donald Trump has backed the Saudi prince, saying Prince Mohammed bin Salman has told him a full investigation into the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is underway and that he knows nothing about his disappearance.

In an interview given to the news agency AP, Trump said, "Saudi Arabia is being blamed before there is any evidence."

Turkish officials say a raid on the Saudi consulate in Istanbul will provide evidence of whether Khashoggi was killed. Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi has been missing since entering the Saudi consulate in Turkey two weeks ago.

Since the beginning of this incident, Türkiye has been claiming that Jamal Khashoggi was killed. However, Saudi Arabia has been claiming this allegation as false and baseless. After Khashoggi's disappearance, Trump initially described the incident as horrific and barbaric. However, President Trump is currently saying that the world should not blame the country's leaders until the Saudi journalist's disappearance is fully known.

However, the way Jamal Khashoggi was killed inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul has put the United States and Western countries in a very embarrassing situation. There are new demands in many countries to reconsider relations with Saudi Arabia, some are even thinking of sanctions against Saudi Arabia.

It should be noted that Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi went inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul around noon on October 2. He had an appointment at half past one local time. His Turkish girlfriend Hatis Cengis was outside that embassy. Hatis Genghis waited outside the embassy for more than 10 hours waiting for Khashoggi. But he did not return from that embassy. Later he reported the matter to the police.

Meanwhile, the demand of the Turkish authorities to kill Khashoggi immediately after his disappearance shocked the whole world. Despite not being able to provide evidence, due to Turkey's claim, pressure on Saudi Arabia increased from various countries around the world. Trump said in a tweet on Tuesday night that he had spoken to Prince Mohammed on the phone. He vehemently denied knowing anything about what actually happened at the Saudi consulate in Turkey. Hearing his words, it seems that some miscreant may be involved in this incident.

President Trump also said, "He told me - a full investigation has begun." Hope to find out soon what really happened. President Trump's phone conversation with Prince Mohammed came to light at a time when US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is on a visit to Saudi Arabia. He also met the Saudi Crown Prince on Tuesday.

It should be noted that journalist Jamal Khashoggi went into voluntary exile in America last year. He writes a monthly column for the Washington Post in which he writes critical reports about Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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