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Calls can be made to Uber drivers without a SIM

Uber's new feature is called Voice over Internet Protocol, abbreviated as VoIP

The Dhaka Times Desk Uber has become quite popular in our country. Because you can easily call Uber from your mobile phone at home. But this time it is easier to use Uber. Uber is bringing the facility to call the driver without a SIM.

সিম ছাড়াও উবার চালককে কল দেওয়া যাবে 1

It is known that it has already been launched in several countries, according to the Indian technology-based newspaper Gazettes Now. Uber's new feature is called Voice over Internet Protocol, abbreviated as VoIP. With Uber's VoIP feature, phone calls can be made directly to Uber drivers over Wi-Fi without a SIM card.

It is reported that this new feature of Uber is very helpful for tourists or foreign travelers. This is because it becomes difficult to activate a new SIM immediately after moving out of the country. And so it is not possible to call. However, anyone can easily reach the destination by communicating with the Uber driver through Wi-Fi connection through VoIP.

Uber's VoIP feature will work much like the calling system of WhatsApp, Messenger and Skype. Where basically SIM card has no functionality.

And in many cases, Uber VoIP can play an effective role in its own country as well. Let's say, you have absolutely no money on the phone, but the Internet is purchased. In this situation you cannot call an Uber driver in any way in the current conventional system. But with VoIP feature you don't need to have money in the mobile phone, you can call the driver only if you have internet.

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