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Fingerprints will tell who is a drug addict

Fingerprint technology will be used to identify drug addicts

The Dhaka Times Desk Conducting various tests to identify drug addicts is time-consuming and cumbersome. Fingerprint technology will be used to quickly identify drug addicts to solve such problems. This test is working successfully even in the dead body.

ফিঙ্গারপ্রিন্টই বলে দেবে কে মাদকাসক্ত ব্যক্তি 1

If a person has consumed illicit drugs like marijuana, cocaine, opiate, amphetamine, etc., it is possible to identify these users easily through fingerprints. This method takes only 5 seconds to detect. This method is named 'Intelligent Fingerprint Reader'. The accuracy of the results is as accurate as blood and urine tests.

The British company has developed the intelligent fingerprint device. Taking drugs produces harmful metabolites in the body. A new medical test can detect these metabolites from sweat trapped in fingerprints. When someone takes cocaine, the body produces benzyl agonine and methyl agonine in sweat.

ফিঙ্গারপ্রিন্টই বলে দেবে কে মাদকাসক্ত ব্যক্তি 2

This fingerprint test could bring a revolutionary breakthrough in drug addiction diagnosis. It is much more hygienic and safe than blood, urine and oral saliva tests. Using this modern device does not require the same level of training and knowledge that testing blood requires. In the case of urine test, there is often doubt whether the urine sample belongs to the right person or if it is a little random, the whole report is changed. Then a wrong report can turn everyone's opinion the other way. But since the new device is a fingerprint model, there is no way to have such trouble.

Different cases require different things to make the drug addiction diagnosis test more accurate and precise. But this time it will be possible to diagnose drug addicts only through this single device. Examiners can easily examine workers with the device, especially in cases where heavy medical equipment is required. In addition, the ability to test on dead people will provide a quick understanding of the cause of death. This will make police investigations easier and more accurate.

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