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Smartphone addiction: the brain is permanently damaged!

Recently, two research papers from Italy and France were published in the MIT Sloan Management Review

The Dhaka Times Desk Smartphones are a big addiction of the youth today. They prefer to carry this smartphone all the time. But the researchers said, the brain is permanently damaged because of this smartphone!

স্মার্টফোনের নেশা: মস্তিষ্ক স্থায়ীভাবে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হচ্ছে! 1

With the excellence of modern technology, the whole world has now come to hand. Simply put, having a smartphone and internet connection in your hand means that you can travel the whole world in an instant. However, just like the many advantages of this smartphone, too much dependence on the smartphone is damaging you intellectually.

Recently, two research papers from Italy and France were published in the MIT Sloan Management Review. In which the researchers tested some students without their smartphones for one day each week. It can be seen that, overall, during the time without smartphones, mental fatigue and anxiety increased among them. They were also disrupting their daily routine due to indecisiveness of what to do with the extra time they were getting that day.

But why this mental change? A group of researchers from Korea University has shown that excessive addiction to smartphone surfing is causing some permanent changes in the brains of concerned teenagers. Due to which teenagers are suffering from diseases like depression, anxiety, excessive impulsivity, insomnia.

In a study report at the Radiological Society of North America conference, the head of the Korean research team, Hyung Suk Seo, said that with the help of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), an advanced test of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), they found that gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brains of a group of teenagers addicted to smartphones and the Internet. Acid (GABA) and glutamate-glutamine (GLX) ratios are significantly altered from normal, causing brain waves to slow down more than normal.

Essentially, GABA is responsible for the proper functioning of vision, motor nerve control, and multiple brain functions, such as anxiety and judgment.

The data provided by the Korean researchers also showed that the ratio of GABA to GLX in the anterior cingulate cortex of normal teenagers without smartphone addiction was several times higher in those with nomophobia. Depression and anxiety increase. As the amount of gaba increases, tremors and nervousness also increase. At the same time, GABA and creatine ratio and GABA and glutamate ratio are also increased than normal, so many unwanted symptoms come to the body.

The head of the research group, Hyung Sak Seo, said that although their research is on the way, in the future, it is possible to know exactly how much smartphone addiction is harming the youth. The researchers therefore advised the youth to be careful about excessive smartphone usage.

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