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6,000-year-old cat mummy found in Egypt

A number of cat mummies have been discovered in tombs at the edge of the country's southern pyramid site

The Dhaka Times Desk We see reports of human mummies being found every now and then, but this appears to be a first. Such news has taken place in the web world. A 6,000-year-old cat mummy has been found in Egypt.

মিসরে ৬ হাজার বছর পূর্বের বিড়ালের মমি উদ্ধার 1

The Night of the Cat Mummies is truly an exceptional event. We see reports of human mummies being found every now and then, but this appears to be a first. Such news has taken place in the web world. A 6,000-year-old cat mummy has been found in Egypt.

Egyptian archaeologists have unearthed a 6,000-year-old cat mummy from the city of Saqqara, south of Cairo. A number of cat mummies have been discovered in tombs at the edge of the country's southern pyramid site. The ancient Egyptians believed that 'cats and other animals have a special place in the afterlife.' That is why the ancient Egyptians worshiped cats as gods at that time.

Egypt's Minister of Archeology Khaled El-Eni said the mummy was discovered by an archaeological mission conducting excavations last April. 3 tombs are used for cats. However, 4 dead bodies were not found in one place.

The director of Saqqara area, Mohammad Yusuf, said that the door of the tomb of the ancient fifth dynasty is also intact. Experts plan to research it. Mustafa Waziri, head of Egypt's Council of Antiquities, said the mission discovered the first cat mummy.

Mustafa Waziri also said that two mummies, 1 black in color and 3 decorated with dung-insects were found in the oblong limestone sculptural art decorated stone tombs. The other is available with a vaulted lid.

However, after the recovery of this cat's mummy, the researchers continued further research. They think that more ancient history may come up if research is done.

It should be noted that after the death of ancient people, especially kings, their bodies were mummified. And Egypt is a famous country for that mummy. The mummies found so far in Egypt are also the oldest mummies. Ancient history emerges because of these mummies. Many things are known by researching this mummy.

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