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Debate between Hollywood actors Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp about the house!

The Dhaka Times Desk Both are very popular worldwide and influential actors in Hollywood. A Bradpit, another one Johnny Depp. The interesting news for the fans of the two is that recently both of them have decided to stay in the same house in England which is believed to have created a rift.


He is one of the most powerful actors in Hollywood and is particularly known for portraying exceptional and eccentric characters. Johnny Depp has to move to England for the shooting of the movie this year. That's why Johnny Depp is willing to stay in a house on a Surrey property.

On the other hand, one of the most attractive people in the world is Brad Pitt, who is also one of the most popular actors. This year he also has to stay in England for shooting. But the point of contention is that Brad Pitt wants to live in the same house that Johnny Depp wants to live in.

According to a news source, both had previously rented the property in Surrey and both liked the house very much. Their families are very comfortable with the privacy and all the facilities here.

However, sources also said that the house is so big that both the actors' families can stay comfortably here at the same time. This house controversy has created quite a stir among the fans and movie buffs of both the actors, let's see how this controversy ends.

Note that Johnny Depp will soon be seen in a new science fiction movie 'transcendence'-Starring Brad Pitt World War G Released in June this year.

Reference: India Today

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