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The search for super-Earths with stars

The Dhaka Times Desk Astronomers have identified three new planets that are super Earths and the planets are thought to be one of the triads of the star system Gliese 667C Who are they revolving around?

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Three so-called super-Earths, near the star Gliese 667C of the habitable zone is in orbit. The location is such that the possibility of liquid water being there is very slim. No one can understand the actual condition of these three planets. Gliese 667C is 22 from Earth light year away Previous studies have shown that Gliese 667C has three planets in its orbits. Earth has many similarities with a planet located in the habitable zone. The planet is larger than Earth and its surface is made of solid rock like Earth.

Scientists believe that water can be found here due to its location in the habitable zone and its close proximity to Earth. Extraterrestrial life may even be found. A team of astronomers re-examined the system and raised the issue of a planetary complement.

Researchers used a 3.6-meter telescope at a Man temple in Chile. HARPS – High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher Presence of planets is checked using shape. The HARPS instrument shows excellent success. The star Gliese 667C is one-third the mass of the Sun dwarf stars. Researchers are fairly certain that three planets, so-called super-Earths, are located within the habitable zone of the Gilese 667C star. The planets take 28, 39 and 62 days to complete their respective orbits. Much like our own solar system. This star system may contain seven planets with habitable zones.

Scientists believe that even if life is not found on the three planets, an environment suitable for life may be created in the future. Liquid water has not been proven to exist on the three rocky planets. But scientists do not want to despair. Current information is based on assumptions about the shape and position of the planet. It cannot be said that the search for extraterrestrial life may be met in the near future.

References: BBC

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