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The passport that allows you to travel to the most countries without a visa

The Japanese are the lucky nation to travel to the most countries without a visa

The Dhaka Times Desk For travelers and businessmen, the fun of being able to travel without a visa is different. In that case, a strong passport that can enter any country without a visa is very important. How fun would it be if your passport allowed you to travel to multiple countries without a visa? Today we will know which countries can travel to the most countries without a visa with a passport.

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The Japanese are the lucky nation to travel to the most countries without a visa. Currently, one can travel to 190 countries without a visa using a Japanese passport. And so the strongest passport to travel to the most countries on Vina Visa is the Japanese passport. This information was found in a survey by Henley & PartnersCitizens, a popular organization working on global citizens and immigration. Earlier, one could travel to 189 countries with Japan and Singapore passports. But the Japanese are currently at the top as they are allowed visa-free travel to Myanmar. Below is the list of the top 10 countries with the most visa-free travel.

1st = Japan (190)

2nd = Singapore (189)

3rd= One can travel to 188 countries without visa using passports of South Korea, Germany and France.

4th = Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Finland and Spain are in the 4th place. 187 countries can be traveled on the passport of these countries.

5th = Norway, United Kingdom, Austria, United States, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Portugal can go to 186 countries without obstacles with the passport of 7 countries.

6th = The 6th position of the list is Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland and Canada whose passports can go to 185 countries.

7th = Australia, Greece and Malta are in 7th place. Passports from these countries allow visa-free travel to 183 countries.

8th = New Zealand and Czech Republic are in 8th position with travel facilities out of 182 countries.

9th = Only 9th place is Iceland whose passport allows visa-free stay in 181 countries.

10th = Hungary, Slovenia and Malaysia are on the 10th place in the list. Passports of these countries provide visa-free travel to 180 countries.

Besides, the passports of many other countries have the facility of visa-free travel to certain specific countries.

The United Arab Emirates has made the fastest progress in the list of visa-free travel among most countries. They were at number 62 in the list in 2006, but currently they are at 21. At the bottom of the list is Afghanistan. Using this country's passport, you can visit only 24 countries without a visa. You can visit only 38 countries without visa using our Bangladesh passport.

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