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'O Lalna' takes YouTube by storm [Video]

After its release on last Thursday afternoon, this song has received a huge response

The Dhaka Times Desk Sheikh Sadi's song 'O Lalna' has been released on YouTube several days ago. This song has received quite a response since its release.

ইউটিউবে ঝড় তুলেছে ‘ও ললনা’ [ভিডিও] 1

Sheikh Sadi's song 'O Lalna' has been released on YouTube several days ago. After its release, this song has received a lot of response from the audience.

In a word, Sheikh Sadi's song 'O Lalna' has taken social media by storm. Earlier the audio was released, but now CMV has made a music video of it and released it on YouTube.

After its release on last Thursday afternoon, this song has received a huge response. The lyrics of this song are given by Sheikh Sadi himself. This song is composed by Shahriar Rafat.

ইউটিউবে ঝড় তুলেছে ‘ও ললনা’ [ভিডিও] 2

Sheikh Sadi himself became the model of this song in the production of Beach Razor. Sadi is accompanied by model Maria Noni as 'Lalna'. If you haven't seen it, you can also watch the song on YouTube.

Watch the video

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