Categories: Lifestyle

Some tricks to keep age in check

The Dhaka Times Desk We generally don't want anyone to grow old. But if you get older, you can't beat old age anymore. But some people look like they might be 30-35. But actually their age is more than 45-50. Again Kao looks to be around 45-50 but actually he is maybe 30 years old.

Such contrasts can be seen for various reasons. However, if you follow a few techniques from now on, you will be as young as middle-aged even as you reach old age. In other words, even at 45-50 years, you will feel 30 years younger. Today we will discuss some such tips.

1. Adequate intake of balanced and rich food:

Wrinkles appear in several places of the body at a certain time of age. To avoid these wrinkles, you should eat enough balanced food regularly. Because a balanced diet contains antioxidants, which prevent the formation of wrinkles in the body.

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2. Balanced diet instead of crash diet:

Many people avoid foods containing carbohydrates to lose weight. It causes problems like wrinkling of our skin. It makes you look older. So do balanced diet instead of crash diet. It will keep the skin fresh.

3. Use of sunscreen products:

Harmful rays of the sun cause serious damage to our skin. Which quickly causes the impression of aging on the skin. So use something like sunscreen on your skin before going out. You can even use a light sunscreen when indoors.

4. Stop eating too much sugar:

It is good to eat sugar but not too much. Eating too much sugar can make you look older. So try to eat less sugar from today.

5. Use cosmetics as advised by the doctor:

Not everyone's skin is the same. Especially some have smooth skin and some have oily skin. So if everyone uses the same cosmetics, various types of skin problems will appear. So make sure to use any cosmetic that is suitable for your skin.

6. Drink green tea:

The green has a reputation for keeping the skin fresh. Green tea prevents skin aging and increases durability. So make a habit of drinking green tea every day.

7. Drink plenty of water:

There is no substitute for water to carry out the biological functions of our body. If you don't drink enough water, your skin will lose its luster and become wrinkled. As a result, the body shows signs of aging before aging. So drink plenty of water every day. Only then can the face retain its youth.

8. Adequate sleep:

Sleep is one of the ways to retain youth. It is important for us to sleep at least 7-8 hours daily. And no breaks can be given between these sleeps. That is, what is called sound sleep should be able to sleep. Lack of sleep not only hinders our brain from working properly but also makes it difficult for us to retain our youth. So get enough sleep regularly.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ২০, ২০১৮ 6:16 pm

Raihan Malitha

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