The Dhaka Times
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Parimony-Simon's new film 'Bahaduri' is in its final stages

The film 'Bahaduri' directed by Shafiq Hasan is already 80% complete

The Dhaka Times Desk Parimani's first hero was Simon Sadiq. Now he is acting in a film called 'Bahaduri' with that Simon. The work of this film is currently in final stage.

পরীমনি-সাইমনের নতুন চলচ্চিত্র ‘বাহাদুরী’ শেষ পর্যায়ে 1

Popular actress Parimani made her debut with the movie 'Rana Plaza'. And in the film 'Rana Plaza', he acted with Simon for the first time. Due to various complications, the film did not see the light of day. Then this pair acted together again in the film 'Pude Jai Man'. They have received a lot of praise from the audience. Then paired up in the film 'Nadir Buke Chand'. These two stars acted together in the latest movie 'Bahaduri'.

The film 'Bahaduri' directed by Shafiq Hasan is already 80% complete. Currently, the work of shooting the song is going on. Recently the song of the movie 'Bahaduri' was shot at Dream Holiday Park in Narsingdi. Simon and Parimoni participated in it.

পরীমনি-সাইমনের নতুন চলচ্চিত্র ‘বাহাদুরী’ শেষ পর্যায়ে 2

Film director Shafiq Hasan said, "Bahaduri" film work is almost at the final stage. Two songs and few scenes are left to be shot. Hope all work will be completed soon. Only then will I start the work of dubbing.'

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