The Dhaka Times
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The wonderful story of eating tea at the risk of life! [video]

This terrible place is in China

The Dhaka Times Desk When can a person risk his life, when he has no other way to escape. But that is the risk of life to eat a cup of tea! A really wonderful news. Watch the video to understand!

প্রাণের ঝুঁকি নিয়ে চা খাওয়ার বিস্ময়কর গল্প! [ভিডিও] 1

A report published in the international media has found a place that is quite shocking to see. In that news, it is said about a shop where you have to climb 7,000 feet above sea level to eat tea! Not only that, but the way to get there is also very scary.

This terrible place is in China. According to media reports, Mount Hua is one of the five major mountains in China. There is this tea. A little description of the road will give you an idea of how terrible it is to go for a cup of tea! It is known that there are several Taoist temples in China's Mount Hua. One of his temples is located on the southern peak of Mount Hua. The tea house is situated in that old place. To go there, one has to trek for at least 2 hours from Xi'an to Huashan. This is the easiest part of the trip. After that the real game will begin.

As you can see from the video, the path to the top of the mountain is very narrow and dangerous. There are no railings or anything along the wooden walkway. There is fear of loss of life at every step while climbing. Just a little bit of a step... it's all over.

But it does not end here. At the very end, you have to cross that part of the wooden path by hanging on the chain. You may think, what is this tea? However, the published reporter claims that the tea is very tasty. The most interesting thing is that this tea is made by mixing ice cubes and rain water etc.! Before there was another strange rule. Then you had to carry the water yourself!

After hearing such a word you may think what can this madness mean? But if you ever go to China, you can try this difficult feat. But there is no doubt that life has to be bet. However, if you want to go even after watching the video, then there is no word.

Watch the video

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