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The price of a headphone is 42 lakh!

A company called Hifiman Electronics recently developed the Shangri-La Electrostatic Headphone System

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the surprise of hearing such words. Where the price of a headphone in our country starts from 100 taka to one or two thousand taka, the price of a headphone is 42 lakh taka!

একটি হেডফোনের দাম ৪২ লাখ টাকা! 1

Listening to music or watching videos on headphones has become one of the hobbies or fashion for the current generation. Someone listens to music on headphones just to make their mind better, and someone listens to music like an addict, that is, not without listening to his music. Don't worry too much about the rhythm. Some people are very picky about listening to music. From the artist's voice to the ups and downs of the music, many people analyze everything very carefully. So many people choose the type of headphone usage. For example, if there is no dum dum sound, many people do not. Some people are happy with the 30-40 taka headphones sold on the pavement, but for some, the price of the headphones exceeds a thousand many times. But no matter how much you are an empress, the price of this new headphone will surprise your pill! Do you know the price of this headphone? 42 million taka!

According to media reports, a company called HiFiman Electronics recently developed the Shangri-La electrostatic headphone system. The company has a reputation for manufacturing high-tech and expensive hardware. So many people prefer to buy the goods of this company. Fang Bian created this company in 2007. The company brings a variety of extraordinary products to the market with its special nano technology. This headphone is one such product.

Reportedly, this headphone uses basically an ultra-thin diaphragm. The diaphragm is between the two panels. Pull it to hear the sound. Diaphragms are typically one micrometer thick. Its thickness is zero tenths of a micrometer. It is so thin that it is often not visible from the side. Sound waves will travel without interruption; Such a technique has been used.

It took the company at least ten years to develop this product. It came to the market last year. If you are also enthusiastic about an expensive headphone, then know that its price is 41 lakh 97 thousand 500 taka. But it will work even if you don't spend so much in one go. Monthly EMI payment is also well arranged. It will cost 3 lakh 69 thousand 762 taka per month!

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