The Dhaka Times
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From now on, the bullet train will run under the sea!

This project has already received preliminary approval in China

The Dhaka Times Desk We saw the train moving under the earthen tunnel. But this time a little exceptional case is that from now on the bullet train will run under the sea!

এখন থেকে সাগরের নিচে চলবে বুলেট ট্রেন! 1

From now on the bullet train will run under the sea. This project has already received preliminary approval in China. The first such project was proposed in 2005. Under this project, out of 77 km railway line, about 71 km railway line has to be constructed anew. Of this, 16.2 kilometers will be built under water.

It is known that when the underwater bullet train project is launched, the communication system between China's port city of Shanghai and the country's eastern coastal city of Zhoushan will be strengthened. It will also take less time to go from one place to another.

According to media reports, this project is a continuation of the new projects that China is constantly undertaking. Moreover, the Chinese government will launch the world's first Six-G (so-called Sixth Generation). That is why the Chinese government is moving forward with all kinds of preparations.

The proposed bullet train project is named Yong-ju Railway Plan. A total of 77 km railway line will be covered under this project. It is said that the Yong-ju project is being implemented primarily to attract tourists and reduce travel time.

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