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Tom Cruise spends $50,000 a week on his daughter's security

The Dhaka Times Desk Hollywood Super Hero Tom Cruise He spends $50,000 a week on the salary of bodyguards for his daughter Suri's security, which is approximately Tk 39 lakh in Bangladeshi taka.


Tom Cruise said that he happily spends this huge amount of money on seven-day-a-week security for his seven-year-old daughter Suri. Tom's daughter Suri now lives in New York with Tom's ex-wife Katie Holmes.

Tom Cruise himself is surrounded by two levels of security agents for security, which is doubled for his adorable daughter. The 50-year-old actor loves his daughter more than himself.

Katie Holmes Sources say that Tom is not at all scrupulous about spending this huge amount of money on a seven-year-old child, because it is not a matter of scrupulousness when the money is spent on ensuring safety. Katie Holmes cannot afford to spend this huge amount of money for her daughter's security, so she thanked her ex-husband Tom Cruise for spending this money.


Note that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got married eight years ago, but their marriage broke up within seven years, after one year of marriage, their daughter Suri was born. Suri has been living with her mother Katie Holmes since the split. Despite the divorce, Tom has not created such a distance with his daughter Suri. Ever since the split, Tom's ex-wife and Adar's daughter Suri has been fed up with the pain of the paparazzi. Lately the torture of paparazzi is increasing.

news media NDTV The security agents appointed for Suri are highly trained and equipped with powerful security equipment to ensure Suri's safety.

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