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Learn about the importance and virtues of Tahajjud prayers

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us know about Tahajjud prayer but we have no idea about its importance and virtues. Learn about the importance and virtues of Tahajjud prayers today.

The word Tahajjud is mainly used in the two contradictory meanings of going to sleep and waking up. As stated in the Holy Qur'an - 'Stay awake for part of the night reciting the Qur'an' (Surah Bani Israel:79). Staying awake with recitation of the Qur'an means offering prayers. That is why the night prayer is called Tahajjud prayer. However, according to most mufassirs, abandoning the bed and devoting oneself to dhikr and supplications means Tahajjud and Nafal prayers, which are offered after waking up late at night. After Tahajjud Meraj it becomes null.

About the merits of Tahajjud prayer, Almighty Allah said - 'Perform Tahajjud in some part of the night; This is an additional duty for you. May your Lord establish you in a place of praise' (Surah Bani Israel:79).

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Tahajjud prayer is an essential and highly effective way to purify and purify the mind and character and keep it steadfast on the right path. It is mentioned in Surah Muzammile of the Qur'an that, 'Surely waking up at night is very effective in suppressing the nafs and recitation of the Qur'an or Ziqir at that time is absolutely appropriate.' The night Tahajjud prayer is the Sunnah of all Ambiyas, the practice of the beloved servants of Allah and one of the ways to establish a deep relationship with Allah and achieve closeness and satisfaction. Regarding the virtues of Tahajjud, Allah Ta'ala said, 'Establish Tahajjud prayers in some parts of the night; This is an additional duty for you. It is hoped that your Lord will grant you Makam Mahmud.'

Importance of Tahajjud in light of Hadith

This nafal prayer of Tahajjud has been called by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as the best nafal worship. Tahajjud prayer was obligatory on the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) before the five daily prayers became obligatory. So he never stopped praying Tahajjud in his life. Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA) said, 'Whoever prays two or more rak'ahs after Isha, he will have the virtue of Tahajjud. There are many importance and virtues of performing tahajjud prayers in the month of Ramadan by abstaining from food and drink during the day after observing the fast and giving up the pleasure of late night sleep. It is mentioned that the virtue of Tahajjud prayer is more than all nafal worship and it is dear to Allah.

Tahajjud reflects the greatness, dignity and importance of the prayer. It is the duty of a Muslim who intends to establish a relationship with God and the Creator, to realize the dignity and importance of this great worship. Will try to maintain its accuracy. Moreover, this prayer has many benefits and virtues.

Tahajjud and staying awake in the last night is a medical topic for sedation

Practical experience and research have proved it as true as daylight that despite various treatments for sick, sick, half-dead and sleepless patients, there is one treatment that is beneficial for this world and the hereafter.

It is said that if they stay up late at night, their bodies will surely benefit from it. Psychiatrists and neurologists have also mentioned some studies that prove this. They said that depression or depression is less common among Muslims during Ramadan. Depression patients rarely come to the doctor during the month of Ramadan. As the reason for this, they mention that during the month of Ramadan, Muslims eat Sahri at the end of the night and perform Tahajjud, due to which they do not feel tired and fatigued. That's why doctors have come to the conclusion that staying up late at night is very beneficial for health.

Research findings on Tahajjud prayers performed regularly in Department of Psychiatry and Brain, Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore:

From January to September 1985, 64 depressed patients were selected from the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore, and 32 of them were divided into 2 groups. The first group (research group) 32 people were forced to perform Tahajjud prayers at night. Along with this, he also asked to recite Zikir and Quran recitation and (a) 'Ala Bizikrillahi Tatmainnul Kulub' (b) 'Wa ya Maridtu Fahua Yash Fil' by heart. The second group (control group) will wake up from 2 am to 4 am doing small tasks and reciting Quran.

It is said that patients who have been taking sedative drugs for a long time are stopped. After 4 weeks, the Hamilton Depression Scale was also tested. It can be seen that the condition of the first group (research group) who recited the Quran with Tahajjud is much better than the second group. Thus, due to regular follow-up from January to September, 25 patients from the first group (research group) and 5 patients from the second group (control group) are known to have recovered.

Research shows that Tahajjud prayer is very beneficial for a Muslim. So perform Tahajjud prayer and get its merits.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৬, ২০১৮ 4:43 pm

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