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As many benefits as a result of yellow color

Yellow color has a different relationship with maturity

The Dhaka Times Desk Yellow color has a different relationship with maturity. A yellow color of a fruit means that it is ready to eat. Because when the color of a fruit is yellow, it means that it is ripe. But there are some fruits that ripen without turning yellow. When we see any fruit yellow in color our mind fills with joy.

হলুদ রংয়ের ফলে যত উপকারিতা 1

Generally, fruits such as mango, banana, papaya, pineapple, kamaranga, lemon, batabi lemon etc. turn yellow when ripe. This yellow fruit contains bio-flavonoids and carotenoids. Today we will know what are the benefits of eating yellow fruit.

1. Keeps vision:

Turmeric contains sufficient amount of vitamin A. It plays a major role in solving various problems of our eyes. So to keep good eyesight, you should eat yellow fruit regularly.

2. Retains the beauty of the skin:

Turmeric contains vitamin C and E, which keep our skin supple. If there is a lack of this vitamin in the body, various problems occur in the skin. However, regular consumption of yellow fruits can prevent skin problems.

3. Increase immunity:

Different types of germs are constantly entering our body. Viruses and bacteria can cause many serious diseases. Turmeric fruit increases immune cells in our body. And immune cells protect our body from various diseases.

4. Strengthens bones and teeth:

Vitamin D and calcium present in turmeric are very beneficial for bones and teeth. Makes every joint of the body stronger. These fruits fill the calcium deficiency in the body and make the bones and muscles more active. Keeps bones and muscles strong as well as teeth.

5. Helpful in digestion:

Yellow fruit means ripe ie fit for eating. So this fruit helps our digestion a lot. As a result, constipation does not occur in the body and the body remains fresh. So you can eat enough yellow fruits from today to prevent constipation and aid in digestion.

6. Wound healing:

The yellow color fruit works to heal various types of wounds in our body. A fruit's nutritional value is only available when the fruit is ripe. Therefore, the nutrients required to heal wounds in the body are present in turmeric.

7. Maintains blood pressure:

Turmeric contains enough fiber to help melt fat and maintain blood pressure. Therefore, yellow fruits should be eaten regularly to avoid problems related to blood pressure.

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