The Dhaka Times
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PeopleEnTech will give 200 scholarships for software testing

They will be given complete free training to make them skilled professionals

The Dhaka Times Desk United States-based Bangladeshi IT training institute 'PeopleTech' has announced to give scholarships to 200 people for making software testing professionals in Bangladesh.

পিপলএনটেক সফটওয়্যার পরীক্ষণে ২০০ জনকে বৃত্তি দেবে 1

He informed this information in a press conference organized by PeopleNTech yesterday (Tuesday) at BDBL building in the capital.

Abu Bakr Hanip, chief executive of the organization, said in a press conference that they will be given complete free training to create skilled professionals.

Abu Bakr Hanip said at the press conference that PeopleTech is providing various trainings for those who want to go to the United States as immigrants to get thousands of dollar jobs instead of 'odd-jobs'. This time, an initiative has been taken to create software testing professionals in the country.

He also said that the number of software tester engineers in the country is currently very negligible. PeopleTech has taken initiatives to attract young people in this profession. He said that there is a demand for experienced people in the country as well as in the United States. He said that the qualification for applying for this scholarship in the technology sector should be a bachelor's degree in computer science or two years of experience in the related field. He said that there is a relaxation of educational qualifications for those who are in the United States as immigrants.

It is known that if you want to participate in this training organized for four months, you have to apply between December 11 and January 5. And this application should be made at ( address.

DMD of the company received the news. Senior officials including Sajjad Hossain were present this time.

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