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Traditional Chunakhola Mosque of Bagerhat

Chunakhola Mosque of Bagerhat is one of the 3 world heritage sites of Bangladesh declared by UNESCO

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Friday, 21 December 2018 Christ, 7 Poush 1425 Bengal, 12 Rabius Sunny 1440 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

বাগেরহাটের ঐতিহ্যবাহী চুনাখোলা মসজিদ 1

Chunakhola Mosque of Bagerhat is one of the 3 world heritage sites of Bangladesh declared by UNESCO. It is called the 'City of Historic Mosques'. Where there are several other beautiful mosques of the then Khilafatabad city, including the world-famous Six-Domed Mosque.

Khilafatabad is one of the 15 lost historical cities of the world published by the famous US magazine Forbes. This ancient city built by Hazrat Khanjahan (RA) was listed by UNESCO in 1985 as a city of historic mosques number 321 of 'World Cultural Heritage'.

It should be noted that the significant landmarks of Bagerhat, the city of historical mosques, are: Six-domed mosque built by Khanjahan, Bibi Begni mosque, Chunakhola mosque, Jindapir mosque, Naygambuj mosque, Ranbijaipur mosque, Reza Khoda mosque, former Danga monument and Singair mosque.

Information: Courtesy of

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