The Dhaka Times
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TV actress Mita Noor's mysterious death

The Dhaka Times Desk Police recovered the body of TV actress Mita Noor. Police recovered his hanging body from his house at 104, Gulshan Avenue.

Mita Nur-01

His hanging body was recovered from his home in Gulshan of the capital. Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Gulshan police station Rafiqul Islam confirmed this information. It is reported that other members of the family were also at home at that time.

The police recovered the hanging body of Mita Noor from house number 15 of road number 104 of Gulshan Avenue around 7 am. The police said that at that time veil was tied around her neck. Preparations are underway to send his body to the morgue for post-mortem.

It is to be noted that in 1989 Mita Noor made her acting debut in Bangladesh Television's weekly drama 'Sagar Secha Sadh'. In 1992, under the direction of Afzal Hossain, he became widely known as a model in the advertisement of Olympic batteries. Mita Noor made her debut as a theater producer in 2011 through acting and modeling in TV dramas. In that year, he produced a drama called 'Chongali'.

The reason why this popular TV actress committed suicide is not yet known. Khabar Bangladesh

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